24.8.2007 | 13:52
Nokia and Microsoft to Deliver Windows Live Services to Millions of Mobile Customers
Fréttir af Nokia og Microsoft.
ESPOO, Finland, and REDMOND, Wash. Aug. 23, 2007 Nokia, the worlds largest mobile device manufacturer, and Microsoft Corp., a global leader in online communications and communities, have joined together to provide customers with a new suite of Windows Live services specifically designed for Nokia devices.
Starting today, Nokia customers in 11 countries with compatible S60 devices can download the new suite enabling access to Windows Live Hotmail®, Windows Live Messenger, Windows Live Contacts and Windows Live Spaces. Starting next year, customers who purchase compatible Nokia Series 40 handsets will also have access to these popular Windows Live services.
Nokia and Microsoft are empowering the mobile lifestyle by providing mobile customers with easy access to their world of online relationships, information and interests. By enabling access to Windows Live services on both the Nokia S60 and Series 40 platforms using standard Web services protocols, our mutual customers will have the power to seamlessly move between contacts, e-mail, messenger, phone calls, text messaging, camera, gallery and browsing, all in an integrated way.
By taking advantage of the extensive and agile distribution network that Nokia has, we have the opportunity to bring the power of Windows Live services to Nokia devices, thus ensuring our customers can take their most important online information with them on the go, said Jari Pasanen, vice president, Strategy and Technology, Nokia Multimedia.
Nokia customers who own the Nokia N73, N80 Internet Edition, N95, N76 and the N93i can get the Windows Live services via the Download! application in the following countries: Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, U.K., Sweden, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates. Initially the service will be available as a free trial, and then customers in select markets wanting to continue using the service may be asked to pay a monthly fee.
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The availability of Windows Live services for Nokias devices demonstrates our commitment to delivering great mobile experiences and extending peoples online lives taking them from the PC to the device, said Steve Berkowitz, senior vice president of the Online Services Business at Microsoft. The alliance will enable a much broader group of consumers to experience the benefits Windows Live has to offer, easily connecting them to the information and people that matter most from virtually anywhere.
Todays announcement builds on the existing cooperation between Nokia and Microsoft, which integrated Microsofts Live Search for Mobile into the Nokia Mobile Search application. Nokia also plans to extend this service onto the Series 40 platform to enhance the search experience across a greater range of devices.
Heimild: http://www.microsoft.com/Presspass/press/2007/aug07/08-22NokiaMSLiveServicesPR.mspx
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